You will work on a personal case from one of your fellow students. Discover how much you have grown in the past months. Nothing will hold you back anymore from living your life in your own way.
Full immersion during our 3-day blocks
Danny admires people who are eager to develop themselves and are not afraid to explore the limits of their comfort zone, only to then break through these limits with incredible strength and both feet forward, facing your new future.
📌 Start study: April 2025
As an educational institute, we possess the NRTO Quality Mark. Additionally, our NLP Practitioner is accredited by IANLP, NVNLP, Arcturus, VIV, VVET, NVST, and VBAG. We are also recognized by the BATC.
For certification and content of the NLP Practitioner, the Response Institute adheres to the guidelines of IANLP. We also have CRKBO recognition. What does this mean for you? High-quality training that is also exempt from VAT.
Admission Requirements
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